State & Local Incentives

Built for Business

Denver South’s pro-business environment, regulatory environment, and competitive tax structure foster a favorable business climate. We welcome the opportunity to work with new and expanding businesses in our region. Our team works closely with the Colorado Office of Economic Development & International Trade (OEDIT), the Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation, and local government to promote economic growth and advocate for your businesses throughout the incentive process. Here are some of the state and local business incentive programs we can help you pursue:

Colorado State Business Incentives

New and expanding businesses in Denver South may be eligible for Colorado-based business incentive programs which include performance-based tax credits and grants for customized job training.

Job Growth Incentive Tax Credit is a performance-based job creation incentive program which provides state income tax credit to new and expanding businesses undertaking job creation projects.

Strategic Fund Incentive is a performance-based program designed to encourage recruitment, retention, and economic growth by supporting businesses that have created and maintained permanent net new jobs for one year.

Skill Advance Colorado and Advanced Industries Accelerator Programs provide grants to new and existing companies by reimbursing costs associated with job training.

Learn More About Choose Colorado: Incentives Financing
For questions talk to

Christine Shapard

Senior Director of Economic Development