Programs & Services

The Power of Collaboration

No business can thrive as an island. With our partners, we’ve created numerous programs and services to benefit businesses like yours. Denver South collaborates with local, state, and federal government agencies along with other economic development partners, workforce centers, K-12 and higher education institutions, and local chambers of commerce to make a robust suite of services available to you. These definitive advantages give you the means to tackle the complexity of today’s social and environment with confidence and fortitude.


  • Denver South Business Coalition
  • Navigating Policy Issues
  • Business Climate Analysis
  • Permitting and Licensing
  • Work Force Development and Recruitment
  • Industry Road Maps Analysis

  • Primary Industry Sector Trends
  • Site Selection Evaluation
  • Tax and Regulation Information
  • Financial, Legal and Accounting Referrals
  • Transportation Assistance Services
  • Letters of Support

Contact us to learn how we can help you grow your business:

Julie Voorhees

Existing Businesses

We know that retaining existing businesses is a vital effort in sustaining a diverse and thriving local economy. That is why Denver South partners with state and local officials to maintain regular communication with existing businesses to ensure they have an influential partner and advocate in the Denver South Region.

To learn more about how we support existing businesses, email Julie Voorhees:

Prospective Businesses

Site Selection and Government Relations – As an executive, deciding where to locate or grow your business is among the most important choices you’ll ever make. We’re here to help. We can arm you with data and information and make the important introductions you’ll need to get things done at the speed of business.

To learn more about how we support prospective businesses, email Christine Shapard: